As sons and daughters of the Master Creator, we are called to create with God to bring His truth, love, and power through beauty, ingenuity, and innovation. When we submit our creative expression (whatever it may be) to the direction of the Holy Spirit, we give Him room to move in supernatural power, bringing restoration and righteousness through it.
In this supernatural creativity masterclass, Jill Wyckoff draws you into the light of your true identity in Christ and your unique role to play in His army of creatives. She sheds light on misconceptions, challenges, destructive or erroneous thinking, and breaks through fear, comparison, and other creativity killers. Through Biblical foundations, first-hand experience, engaging testimonies, science, poetry, art, reflection, activations, and a heaping dollop of humor, Wyckoff nourishes your creative soul and inspires you to action.
Supernatural Creativity is a step-by-step journey of life-changing discovery that will launch you into your creative destiny with the Master Creator.

is an essential read for anyone who is wondering,
"Can God use creativity to bring restoration
to individuals and our society as a whole?
And can He do this through me?"
"Every page of this book stretches the reader and pushes them towards action. With great vulnerability and impact, Jill is able to communicate the heart of creative freedom. She invites us all to join in this wonderful adventure as she glides between powerful insight, moving stories, active prompts, painting, and poetry. Supernatural Creativity is totally in the groove!" --Bradley “Groove” Rapier, award-winning choreographer / Founder, GROOVE Mindset, https://www.bradleyrapier.com/ @bradleyrapier @groovemindset
“The space between imagination and manifestation is fraught with giants lurking to distract us from fully manifesting the creativity for which we were designed. Jill’s book unleashes you to terrorize every giant that has dared to stand in the way of your creative calling! These pages will inspire you to fully explore your authority in Christ and awaken your creativity in such a way that the world will be in awe of The Creator." --Craig Muster, author of Plunder Darkness, Executive Coach, International Speaker, https://www.craigmuster.com/ https://www.craigandkarlet.com/

Exuberant, jubilant
She jumped in with both feet
How could she know
that life would give her
one blow
after another
till she,
by her own will,
bowed to defeat.
her great awakening.

“True confessions: As long as I can remember there have been two opposing voices in my head. You know, the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other like you see in cartoons. One voice whispered truth, and the other screamed lies—One tried to build me up, the other worked like a devil to tear me down. And wouldn’t you know it, that’s the one I gravitated towards; a hopeless perversion of truth that twisted my thinking and became my reality. I’m not sure why I always listened to that voice. I guess after a while it was just easier to believe the bad than it was to believe anything good.”
In this gripping true-life tale, Jill Wyckoff reveals a very personal account of a girl who journeys from innocence to destruction as she lives out the lies she believes about herself. Unexpectedly, in the midst of desperation, grief, and incredible loss, The Girl has a stunning encounter that changes her life. Awakened to the truth, she begins a process of discovery that leads to transformation.
Wyckoff captivates the reader through an artistic weave of emotionally charged poetry, verse, narration, and first-person story-telling. Once Upon a Backpack compels us to look at the lies we’ve been believing about ourselves and dares us to step into our own awakening.
"Jill's voice and journey still resonates with me--even weeks after reading the book. The honesty, pain, and hope she conveys throughout her journey will inspire others to begin their own journeys. This beautifully written book has allowed me to begin looking into my own backpack." - Lori B.
"This book will take the shattered soul and bathe it in comforting hope. Sometimes life appears to be so frail until frailty meets its match. Gently peeling back the layers of numbness this story whispers hope back to the hearts who have longed for a different version of their destiny.” - Craig Muster, Senior Director, Awakening International
"Jill writes this very honest book with her whole heart and shares her deepest painful experiences. What joy to read this true-life fairy tale and experience her journey as her spirt and soul awaken to the real truth of who God says she really is! This is a book for every woman of every age...for every woman who has believed she was less than or not enough. The truth is you are BEAUTIFUL, WORTHY, ENOUGH, GIFTED, TALENTED and most of all LOVED by the King of Kings! I purchased a bundle of these and give them to women I encounter...it's the perfect gift of Love!" - Michelle C.
"Jill Wyckoff shared her personal story, "Once Upon a Backpack"with the ladies in our church and it was absolutely powerful! Many lives were changed after hearing her testimony. She pours out her heart in such a transparent way and we were all inspired to let go of the heavy loads we were carrying and truly give them to Jesus. Women were healed and lives were powerfully transformed! This is a message that everyone needs to hear!" - Pastor Lynette Purkey