In Zechariah 1, God calls the craftsmen (the artists) to the front lines to "terrify the enemy." Art, in all it's various forms, is powerful. Art, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, points to the one true God, shifting the atmosphere and influencing culture to God's original design. This, of course, foils the plans of the enemy who cannot create. Creativity is an act of worship and an act of war.
I have seen the result of creatives doing great exploits on the front lines and it is nothing short of miraculous. I've seen people encountered in deeply profound ways--I've seen them saved, healed, and delivered. And I want to see more.
It is my passion to empower people to step fully into their creative identity without hesitation, without comparison, and without doubt, and to use their one-of-a-kind, unique creative expression to extend the Kingdom of God out into their communities, their region, and the nations.

My journey as an artist began in 2012 when I was asked to paint at a 24-hour worship event. My initial response was, "Are you kidding? I'm just a finger painter! There's no way I'm ever gonna paint in public!" Well..."He who sits in the heavens laughs." After much prodding (by the Holy Spirit as well as my friend), I said "yes" and painted at the event, albeit scared out of my wits. But God honored my "yes" and started opening doors which I walked through timidly at first, then more boldly as I grew to understand Him on a deeper level. Eventually, it became more about what I could do through my creativity than what I could produce by it.
I consider myself a creative warrior. That is not to suggest that I am anywhere close to mastery level. It's not about the "what" it's about the "what for." God taught me how to use the creative expressions He's given me to reveal His heart and affect His Kingdom and it is my mission to see others do the same. To this end, I've developed several workshops and retreats to bring breakthroughs and activate people into the fullness of their identity, moving as sons and daughters of the Master Creator.
I invite you to check out my gallery and art events and consider how I might be of assistance to you or your organization.
Resurrection Life Finger painting, acrylic on canvas